(Continued from previous Article)
So we are at the center stage to decide whether Astrology is a science or blind faith. The comments from readers have been on either side. It has given the impression that the opinion is more dependent upon how much of cross thoughts the person is exposed to in life.
The division has been mostly based on religious beliefs and scientific temperament. Many believed that there is a super power that guides us and the life is interconnected to it. We know that believers/non believers/believers of different Gods all live, pass through the different phases of life with different experiences and feelings . Ultimately all go the way every individual goes. What does that mean? I believe, all beliefs are only the paths to the supreme, understanding and all sciences are the subsets of the major universal energy.
It is like a hilltop of a huge mountain which everyone wants to reach. Some through the laid out road, some through the boulders, bushes and some through the dense forest. While the vision/goal of all is the same, the experience in their journey to the hill top is different. Each one will define his experience, the way he has experienced it and believe that he is right as long as he doesn’t know that this huge mountain has multiple approaches to reach to the top and others may be climbing through the other paths. This undersores the logic that as long as we see things in closer range, within the physical reaction /experience without the universal vision, we think that we are only right.As the vision broadens and if the mind is receptive to the inputs, you will realize thare are multiple paths existing and are reaching to the same mountain peak. All are right from their stand point of view in the journey of life and understanding this universe.
Also basic science is always existing, it is eternal. It is only the applied sciences which vary based on the need, convenience and belief. Apples were always coming down from the tree even before the great scientist Issac Newton put forth the principle of gravity. Now can we say that understanding gravity is required to confirm that apples come only down from the tree, if not, say it is blind faith? The principles of heat, magnetism etc. were always existing and human beings effectively used them without they being scientifically proved or understood. Only the techniques of application changed with research, as the applied sciences developed. Similarly children were born without knowing the principle of hormones,chromosomes etc and their interplay in childbirth. Do we call this blind faith as long as we did not understand the science side of reproductivity.
After so many years of human existence, we are still researching and inventing newer things.It confirms that we have not reached the end of understanding the happenings in this universe even after so many years of human existence and research. But the basic fact is that they existed all along even before the human beings understood their existence,but the same fundamental scientific principles were being used intuitively for survival. Yes, protagonists may as long as the science did not define them, say that it was blind faith. However the same becomes invention through science later.
The whole universe is a gigantic place run through the scientific principles and only the applied sciences keep inventing through integration/differentiation from time to time. Similarly the faith of God and the various divine sciences like Astrology, numerology, palmistry, Tarrot, and so on are all part of the basic science and the applied sciences component is the one which changes from time to time in the process of evolution. These sciences existed since beginning and continue to exist. As of now we are only scratching at the surface only in trying to interpret why certain things like earthquakes, tsunami etc happen but still the science does not know, how to stop it.
As indicated, the whole universe is moving through an interplay of various frequencies in the universal energy. The learned sages through their knowledge beyond the physical vision, could identify and interpret the impact of frequencies on human beings, objects both living and non-living. Here is the case of the great visionary Stephen Hawking with only the brain working who could visualise and present the various principles of the Universe.Many such visionaries have created most of these sciences on this earth through their vision rather than through scientific testing with detailed accuracy.Astrology is similar science profounded by the great sage Parashara.
Astrology being a vast information represented through the effect of interplay of reflected energy frequencies by the 7 planets along with the 2 nodes in 12 houses covering 3600, naturally, has the dimension of the talent of the astrologer as a major factor in interpretation. Hence there could be judgmental variations while events will still happen based on these resultant frequencies. Like two doctors may diagnose same sickness differently. The other reasons for the interpretational failure is that the predictions are made based on the 9 entities, there could be more unknown energies / planets in universe influencing the outcome. Thirdly as the whole subject is built on the principle of Karma (cause and effect), the Karma done since birth could also modify the outcome to some extent.
To conclude Astrology is a universal science like any other science, the interpretation of which can falter due to various reasons like other applied sciences. In any case the broad interpretations can never go wrong as the basic major inputs are considered. Also the indications/predictions are not quantiified absolute values instead, they are relative experiences of the mind and body. The interpretation is dependent on the skill and knowledge of the astrologer, like a doctor in disease treatment. Astrology should be used in life as the guide book in understanding areas of strength for achieving the destined great success,improvements in health and caution in issues. Correction of negativities through appropriate deeds as required is possible.
Finally whether some one cares for the interpretation and believe in astrology or not, the major events will still happen like the apples coming down from the tree. Hence you may interpret this as blind faith as thought before Issac Newtons invention.
(Article concluded)